Sep 6, 2024

The Assembly Line of Software

In the 1920s, Henry Ford innovates the assembly line in order to mass produce the Model T. Here's how the prices changed as manufacturing became cheaper and more efficient:

  • 1908: $850

  • 1915: $390

  • 1924: $260

The role of technology is to lower costs and democratize access. The rise of AI tools means it's never been cheaper to create customizable, high quality software. Yet, private companies often treat government contracts like luxury goods. They increase prices year after year. Our cities deserve better results.

At FSH Tech, we limit the markup on our software, so that innovation always results in better prices for cities and taxpayers. On average, our bid is at least 60% less than a traditional vendor. We handle change management, external communications, and impact analysis— all without price gouging. Let's build better software for cities… and their budgets.


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© 2024 FSH Technologies — City Software Made in Your Backyard

© 2024 FSH Technologies — City Software Made in Your Backyard